Even the biggest stars can leave an impression on their teammates, especially when you're someone like Cristiano Ronaldo. For 17-year-old Geovany Quenda, his first interaction with the football legend was both humbling and a bit overwhelming, as Ronaldo himself revealed.

Quenda, who received his first senior international call-up in August ahead of Portugal’s UEFA Nations League matches against Croatia and Scotland, was understandably shell-shocked when meeting the five-time Ballon d’Or winner.

Ronaldo shared the story of their encounter, shedding light on how the presence of football royalty can sometimes leave younger players a little tongue-tied.

“Many of them are embarrassed to talk to me,” Ronaldo admitted. "A little while ago I was going up to my room, and I saw the new boy, 17 years old, Quenda."

Ronaldo, ever the approachable veteran, decided to break the ice with his young teammate. "I went to him and said: 'So, have you recovered from the game?’” However, Ronaldo quickly noticed that Quenda was visibly nervous. “I saw that he was embarrassed,” Ronaldo continued.

Despite his legendary status, Ronaldo sees himself as more of an elder brother figure to younger players rather than a distant icon. “I don’t say I’m a father, but an older brother,” he remarked.

The national team is like a family to Ronaldo, who has been a part of it for two decades. He reflected on how he understands what the younger players are going through. “It could be a father to some and, as I said before, I've been through the same thing as them, and the national team is a family."

For young players like Quenda, meeting an icon like Ronaldo can be a surreal experience, but Ronaldo’s willingness to engage and encourage his teammates shows the leadership and camaraderie he brings to the Portugal squad.