Ronaldo mobbed in Ireland
Cristiano Ronaldo arrived in Ireland yesterday to be mobbed by fans. He was the star attraction for the thousands of fans and media who turned up, ahead of their game on Saturday.
Ronaldo has been praised by team-mate Michel Salgado for his enthusiasm in training.
"He sure has taken off (laughs). I won't say anything that we don't already know. He adds vertical attack, speed, dribbling abilty and a significant increase in level. He is one of the best players in the world, and that kind of player always has a spot on Real Madrid. We must be happy that he is here.
"I think we needed this. When Zidane and Beckham arrived we were at our best. The arrival of these new players generates the enthusiasm our people needed. Our fans had a rough time and we must now bring hope and excitement back to Madridismo and put the team back where it belongs."